Basic First Aid Tips Everyone Needs to Know

Accidents can happen anytime. Every year, thousands of people get seriously injured in the UK. Some of the incidents claim lives. Whether it’s a little scratch or life-threatening injury, basic first aid tips will prove useful for us. Different types of accidents and hazards can happen in our day to day life. Everyone should learn some basic first aid techniques that can save lives in cases of emergencies.

We can prevent many deaths with proper first aid before the emergency services arrive. Small accidents are fairly common in workplaces where manual labour is involved. From my experience, I can tell you that you can save a lot of time and energy with a little awareness of first aid.

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What is first aid?

First aid is the first and prompt response to anyone suffering from minor or major illness or injury. The aim of first aid is to provide care in order to preserve life, prevent the existing condition from deteriorating, promote recovery. In other words, it is the initial intrusion in a serious medical condition prior to the availability of professional help. 

Usually, first aid is implemented by people with basic medical training. Nowadays, we have another form of first aid to tackle mental health conditions like PTSD. We refer to it as mental health first aid.
Different countries have different regulations, provisions to ensure health and safety at workplaces. The provisions include specific training requirements in the form of compliance courses and necessary equipment in case of emergencies. To ensure health and safety at your workplace, you need workplace first aid training from accredited authorities.

Why is first aid crucial?

Little accidents happen around us every now and then. Most of them go unnoticed but some of the accidents can be life-threatening. Even if you are a bystander, accidents have an impact on you. You empathise with the affected people. Somewhere in your heart, you want to make things right.

Basic knowledge of first aid can help you a lot in case of emergency. At your workplace, you might be responsible for others’ safety. As a first aid provider, you have to provide medical support until professional support arrives. First aid is required for injuries and illnesses. With a basic first aid kit, you can ensure the primary support required for the victims.

Some of the benefits of basic first aid knowledge include:

First aid training can be helpful for people working in different sectors. If you are working with children, you must know how to demonstrate Paediatric first aid. It applies to daycare centre professionals too. People working in high-risk environments like factories, industrial plants and machine shops need some form of first aid training for health and safety at work. When a sportsman falls into an injury during game, the first aid trainer must provide primary care. So even there, sports first aid training is necessary.

Giving first aid: The initial steps

Prior to your first aid training, the following basic first aid tips will help you in cases of emergencies:

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Checking ABC (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)
ABC refers to the priorities in a first aid situation. While dealing with unconscious people, we have to keep their airways open. For those who are breathing, put them in recovery positions. Air circulation is also a key matter for the casualties.
Preventing bleeding
If the wounded person is bleeding profusely, you have to apply slight pressure to the affected area using something that soaks blood.
Burns and scalds
Use a piece of wet clothing to minimize the damage on the skin. The victim should be in a comfortable position. Keep assuring the victim until the professional help arrives.
Applying ice blocks, you can help people with sprains. If the swelling doesn’t improve, specialized care will be required.
Diarrhoea leads to rapid dehydration. The primary target would be to rehydrate the person who is suffering. Anti-diarrhoea medication is helpful in this case.
The casualty must remain as still as possible if an injury from fall results in trauma.
Administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to help someone with breathing. Necessary training would be helpful in understanding CPR.
Gathering essential supplies
Necessary supplies should be close at hand. You’ll require bandages, gauzes, thermometer, cotton wool, antacid, scissors etc.
Seeking professional help

First aid can’t be the conclusive care for most of the people you are helping. Make sure that you call the ambulance on time and wait for the professionals.

First aid procedures

What can you do in case of a medical emergency as a first aid provider? If someone becomes injured, you should:
If someone is unconscious and breathing, you should look for injuries that would prevent you from moving the person. If the person has no other injuries, place them in the recovery position until the professionals arrive.
If the casualty isn’t breathing, call 999 and start CPR immediately. You can use hands-only CPR if you don’t have the required training to perform rescue breaths.

Some common accidents and emergencies

One step for saving lives

Now that you are aware of the aspects of first aid, you can take one step towards saving lives at your workplace.

Workplace First Aid Training
This course applies to all employees and includes expert audiovisual tutorials, easy to follow modules and practical advice for low-risk work settings such as offices.
Workplace First Aid Training
This course applies to all employees and includes expert audiovisual tutorials, easy to follow modules and practical advice for low-risk work settings such as offices.
January 27, 2025
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